Anchors Away

Anchors Away
The hat that started it all...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Famous "Anchors Away - Delray Crab"

The Famous "Anchors Away - Delray Crab"

The hours that went into creating this product was unbelievable but it was worth it because the customers loved it!

Crab shell stuffed with lump crab meat, lobster and shrimp.

It doesn't get much better than that.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


It has been almost 15 years since a Haft was working at Anchors Away.  I am proud to be back and to see that when my family left, the company was in good hands and still is today.

For those of you who don't know, Anchors Away Meat & Seafood Company was built in Mt. Holly, NJ in 1979 by Bruce Selig & Jerry Haft.  It grew over the years into a multi-national company delivering restaurant quality, portion controlled, Center of the Plate entrees to homes and small businesses across the country. 

The company was not built to sell you a freezer plan or a set of kitchen knives.  Anchors Away only wanted to deliver the best quality food that is available, to the public and have them come back time after time.  That is how the company grew to have 50 offices in the US and Canada.

The Mt. Holly office is still the HUB for the east coast.

The food items are the same that you will see in the restaurants that maybe you can only afford to go to once a week or once a month.  Anchors Away will deliver to you those exact items for between 4-9 dollars a meal instead of the 14-29 dollars in the restaurant.

All of our products are 100% guaranteed.

i will continue to write about the history of Anchors Away as well as provide you with some updates.  I will post pictures of the products and if you are interested or have a memory of working for or buying from Anchors Away please feel free to post it on this site.

Be well my old friends!